
Click here to go to the online platform of the Mu.ZEE collection 

MU.ZEE offers an overview of Belgian visual art from 1860 to today, based on a museum collection consisting of 8,000 works of art. This collection builds on the collections of the City of Ostend and the Province of West Flanders, today the Flemish Community, which Mu.ZEE vzw has managed since 2008.
Artists such as James Ensor, Léon Spilliaert and Constant Permeke are well-represented. There are also important sub-collections of interwar artists, ensembles of artists working after World War II and from the 1980s and 1990s onwards. Thanks to an active procurement and donation agreement, Mu.ZEE has been able to acquire works of art by contemporary artists.

In the museum, you can experience an ever-changing collection presentation with a diversity of works. Browse further online here through the artwork. Selections appear step by step on this web page.
You can also search the results of three projects subsidised by Flanders:
A selection that follows from a collection valuation process (2018-2019): a reflection on the importance of the collection and how the various works of art are valuable to the museum.
Through the catch-up of digital collection registration (2020), the works of art by James Ensor, Léon Spilliaert, Constant Permeke, and contemporaries are online. These introduce you to the Ostend of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and demonstrate the importance of these works in the Mu.ZEE collection. In a second catch-up operation (2022-2023), the registration of the works of art on paper was addressed. More than half of the collection consists of works on paper, some of which can be found here.

Click here to view the online platform of Heritage Insight


Mu.ZEE MASTERPIECES (update 24.12.2022)


Artist: Brusselmans, Jean
Title: Strandgezicht met baadsters
Date: 1935


Artist: De Keyser, Raoul
Title: Linnen doos III (Freethiel)
Date: 1967


Artist: Ensor, James
Title: Christus bedaart de storm
Date: 1891


Artist: Ensor, James
Title: Zelfportret met bloemenhoed
Date: 1883


Artist: Geys, Jef
Title: Aankleedpop man
Date: 1966


Artist: Geys, Jef
Title: Aankleedpop vrouw
Date: 1966


Artist: Permeke, Constant
Title: De Sjees
Date: 1926


Artist: Permeke, Constant
Title: Het afscheid
Date: 1948


Artist: Raveel, Roger
Title: Hommage à Giotto
Date: 1956


Artist: Spilliaert, Léon
Title: Witte gewaden
Date: 1912


Artist: Spilliaert, Léon
Title: Duizeling
Date: 1908


Artist: Spilliaert, Léon
Title: De windstoot
Date: 1904


Artist: Spilliaert, Léon
Title: Zelfportret met spiegel
Date: 1908


Artist: Van Anderlecht, Englebert
Title: A Perte
Date: 1959


Artist: Vantongerloo, Georges
Title: Studie I, Brussel
Date: 1920

Image management

Would you like one or more images for professional use?
Then please contact us via Mu.ZEE and the Permeke Museum are members of the Art in Flanders service platform (formerly Lukasweb). As part of meemoo, they provide a professional framework in the field of digital management and sustainable preservation. Art in Flanders works for and with Flemish art and heritage collections and promotes the reuse of visual material worldwide. For illustrations for Belgian press and media articles and programmes, Art in Flanders provides free high-resolution files, provided that they are correctly referenced (name of collection),, photograph (name of photographer). Contact for urgent queries.

Or register on our press page: click here.


Mu.ZEE regularly lends works to museums at home and abroad for temporary exhibitions. The borrower must meet the standards set by ICOM (International Council of Museums) for museum institutions. If requested, a 'facility report' must be provided.

The loan request should contain the following information:

- Name and address of loan applicant
- Name of contact person of loan applicant (including telephone, mobile, e-mail)
- Title of exhibition and period
- Place of the exhibition
- Name of artist
- Title of the artwork
- Description of the concept of the exhibition
- If travelling exhibition, all the above information per institution

The loan request must be submitted in writing - no later than 4 months before the start of the loan. This letter can be addressed to the director of Mu.ZEE: Ms Dominique Savelkoul. These four months are necessary to obtain a loan agreement, to prepare the loan carefully and to fit the work required for it into the other activities of the collection (conservation & management) department.

When lending complex or fragile objects, Mu.ZEE may choose to have the work accompanied by a courier and impose packaging requirements. All costs associated with a possible loan will unfortunately be charged to the borrower. In general, these are an admin cost, packaging, transport, insurance; but also any extras towards presentation, installation and supervision of the artwork. The loan conditions and an indication of the costs will be communicated in the loan agreement.

Click here for the general loan conditions

Mu.ZEE understands that a loan may be cancelled by the borrower for good reason, but reserves the right to pass on the costs already incurred to the borrower. Cancellations must be reported to Mu.ZEE in writing.

Loans manager:

@: Jan(us) Boudewijns
T: +32 (0)59 56 45 81

