About us

Mu.ZEE connects

Mu.ZEE exhibits, collects, manages, digitises and studies visual arts from the 19th century to the present day. The museum affiliates its unique collection of exclusive Belgian art with the international arts sector and reveals the links between modern and contemporary art.

Mu.ZEE promotes

The museum is an open house for art by the sea, a dynamic and welcoming meeting place for different cultures and generations. In this way, Mu.ZEE promotes shared and sustainable care for art and heritage based on a philosophy of diversity.

Mu.ZEE challenges

Mu.ZEE opts for collaboration, creates multiple archives and challenges its partners to develop new ideas and create values through participation. The museum listens and collects stories that enrich the community locally, nationally and internationally.


Who is who?


Christine Van Daele,
business leader

Art Division Academic policy and research

Mieke Mels,

Ilse Roosens,

Stefan Huygebaert

Wendy Van Hoorde,
staff member

Inne Gheeraert,
coordinator/curator Permeke Museum

Conservation and collection management

Barbara de Jong,
head of conservation and collection management

Stijn Peeters,
collection registrar

Karolien Withofs

Remco Redant
Art Handler

Christoph Neerman
Art Handler

Johan Van Roose,
administrative staff member

Jan(us) Boudewijns
loan coordinator


Elise Vanhoecke,
education staff member

Roos Nieboer
education staff member Permeke Museum

Nina De Bruyne,
reception staff member


Colette Castermans,
head of communications

Inge Busschaert,
digital communications officer

Fundraising & development

Inge Vekeman,
head of fundraising & development

Administration unit

Bram Bekemans,

Eline De Cloedt,
hr departement

Gerda Balcaen

Lizy Delheye

Nancy Blieck

Building & facility

Maarten Van Colen,
responsible building & facility

Technical team

Eddy Billiau
Lorenzo TJaeckx
Ronny Malesys

Maintenance team

Karine Inghelbrecht
Shahida Bi Aziz
Christiaan Laforce
Ubah Mohamed Shil


Heleen Claeys,

Gregory Boite
Library employee


Ethel Van den Daele
move coordinator


Herbert Deruwe
Hospitality staff member


click here

Administrative Board

List of members of the Board
Bart Plasschaert          (chairman)
Sabine Friederichs           (vice-chairwoman)

André Baert
Jan De Bock
Ann Duflou
Tom Lamont
Jan Loones
Lisa Lust
Margot Neyskens

Independent Directors
Inge Cornillie
Simon Van Damme
Lieven Van den Abeele
Dirk De Clippeleir
Luc Tayart de Borms

Els Cuisinier
Martine Meire
Jacques Mertens
Dominique Savelkoul
Isabel Van Dael

Additional members General Meeting
An Fonteyne
Ingrid Denys
Sonja Vanhee
Tom Cornelissen
Christian Veroughstraete

The building

Mu.ZEE is housed in a building with a rich history. Until 1981 it was part of the SEO, Spaarzaamheid Economie Oostende, founded in 1892. This cooperative became a success story in the Ostend distribution sector and soon branches were established in Ostend and along the coast. Looking for new headquarters with a department store for the SEO in the late 1940s, the decision was taken to extend an existing SEO building located in Amsterdamstraat, which housed a pharmacy and beer bottling plant. The initial extension was on the Gentstraat side, but the icing on the cake was the new main store with a thirty-meter long curved glass wall in Romestraat: shoes, medicines, clothing, food - you name it, it was here. At the SEO, tokens were used to make payments, not money. The SEO was a major employer for the local population and many people from Ostend knew or had someone in the family who worked at the Coo, as the SEO was popularly known. Over Mamazels, Stongs en percenten. Een geschiedenis van S.E.O. 1892 – 1981 by Olivia Simoen tells the rich story of this cooperative.

However, the success story came to an end in 1981 when it went bankrupt, but five years later, in 1986, the doors reopened: the Provincial Museum for Modern Art, better known under the iconic name of the PMMK, found a safe haven there after several years of alternating between Bruges and Ypres. The commercial premises with their stories disappeared into the history books forever, finally making way for museum spaces. In the 2000s, the Provincial Museum for Modern Art also found its way to the former department store. A new museum under the name Mu.ZEE was born in late 2009.

The architect Gaston Eysselinck (1907-1953) was behind a number of branches for the SEO, including the new headquarters with department store in Romestraat. Between 1945 and 1953 he worked in Ostend: in addition to a few houses, he also put his name to the PTT/RTT building, now the Cultuurcentrum De Grote Post (p. 297 ff. Marc Dubois, Gaston Eysselinck. In de voetsporen van Le Corbusier, 2019).

gevel Mu.ZEE


Currently, there are no open vacancies. However, if you would still like to apply, please send your CV along with a cover letter to vacatures@muzee.be



Mu.ZEE License number : 0825.383.589

Contact :

Christine Van Daele

Mu.ZEE is affiliated with PSA (Private Security Association).


Team of qualified security agents licensed by internal affairs, reception staff, ticket control, museum staff, public mediators, administrative staff, depot managers

Claudia Jaques
Hilde Brandt
Kim Plasman
Freek Allaert
Patricia de Jaeger
Tessa Mauroo
Lars Pitteljon
Khoshal Doust
Kurt Lievens

Camera surveillance

In accordance with the camera law of 21 March 2007 - regulating the placement and use of surveillance cameras.
Responsible processing:

Christine Van Daele


Civil liability insurance

Mu.ZEE vzw, 0825.383.589 , is insured against physical or material damage resulting from the performance of its activities with regard to private security.

The injured parties can turn directly to Ethias
The policy number is 04/11 – 45.252.502